Wednesday 7 September 2011

Big 'Ol Box of Proofs

What better than a box filled with kid's books, with earplugs, a cereal bar and a teabag to welcome me to the running of the Children's Department at work.  Perfect timing from Mr. Postie and the lovely girls at Harpercollins Children's Department.  I practically squeaked in public when I started rifling through the box that appeared on the main till this morning.  There is a very strong possibility the next few reviews will all be short Children's Book reviews, as I am anxious to get stuck into the pile of books staring at me from my desk...I could swear they are smiling.

My exciting box of books, staring at me.

I started my career as a Children's Bookseller so I am rather pleased to be back in the section , even on what I can only assume is a temporary basis.  It feels like home and the books are all so shiny.  Three years away from the department and I AM BACK BABY.  So many kid's books so little time.

I should share what was in the box of joy.  Harper have sent out their favourites from their Spring line up, and they will make for some fabulous winter reads, all snuggled up with my cup of tea, my cereal bar and...erm..the earplugs (I live in the countryside, noise is somewhat of a rare occurrence here).  The only thing the box was missing was a blanket, thankfully I have plenty of blankets to cosy up under with a book, namely Mr. Blanket (a blanket with a face, hence the requirement for a name, he is of course a dragon).  Anyway, I digress, pictured below is the contents of the box that will make up some of my cosy winter reads (when I should be out running but it's too cold).

Yummy books...yum.

As it is rather late I apologise for the rather shoddy photos, I was just excited and wanted to do a blog ramble.  The bottom one, which is called "Stormswept" is the one I am most excited about, I LOVED her previous novels set in Ingo (a world of merpeople) and really want to get stuck into a new set of characters in the same setting.

ANYWAY...sleep zzzzzzzz

PS. I forgot to mention the lovely bookmarks that were also in the box, one for each book, each with a handwritten review from a member of Harper's marketing team, very cute touch...I loved it.


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